Mission, Vision and Values

Oberstown Children Detention Campus provides care and education for young people referred by the courts on detention or remand orders, supporting them to address their offending and return successfully to society.

To provide young people with the highest standards of rights-based, child-centred care that meets their needs and enables them to maximise their potential.

In Oberstown our values are:
• We place young people at the heart of what we do.
• We listen to young people, acknowledging their right to participate and influence decisions that affect them.
• We act with integrity and are accountable for our actions.
• We respect each other – our staff, young people and external partners – promoting honesty and authenticity.
• We work in partnership to fulfil our shared vision.
• We foster learning, encouraging new ideas and ways of working.
Find the full Oberstown Strategy 2022-2026 here.